So today Mojang, creators and developers of super popular game, Minecraft, released 1.4
As of typing (23/10), the full release hasnt isnt out for download by the public, so i cant give out download info, but by the time this aurticle is on the blog, the update will be downloadable at
As of right now, the time of me typing this, there's an hour or so until Minecrafters can update. By the time this article is up, the game will be on 1.4 and it will be available for update.
I have been keeping up with the weekly snapshots released by mojang which lets me use the new features.
Here's my brief overview:
There are now 2 new crops you can get: carrots or potatoes. They can be got by killing zombies as drops, they also generate naturally as testificate crops with wheat and also in newly generated swamp biomes.
You can use them as food or harvest them. Carrots can be made into golden carrots like apples can and those are used in potions whereas potatoes can be cooked in furnaces to make cooked potatoes. There is also a small chance if getting a poisonous potato when you harvest them.
You can also now craft pumpkin pie with a pumpkin, an egg and some sugar in any orientation in a crafting table, or in the inventory crafting square. Great for adventurers!
There are now 2 new potions you can brew: the night vision potion and the invisibility potion.
The night vision can be brewed with a golden carrot in an awkward potion and can be made as a splash potion.
The invisibility potion can be brewed with a night vision potion and a fermented spider eye.
Note: the invisibility potion does not hide armour, whatever you are holding and potion effects.
There are 2 new hostile mobs, 1 new peaceful mob and 1 new boss mob!
The new peaceful MLB: bats. They spawn in dark places like normal mobs, hang on the ceiling and fly around when seen. They make a bloody annoying screeching noise, are about a quarter of a block in size, take 1 hit from an iron sword to die and don't drop anything.
The new hostile mobs are the witch and the wither skeleton. The witch spawns in newly generated swamp biomes in little huts and can use harming osplash potions against you and positive potions on itself. It can also stop itself from burning in sunlight, scary. I recommend busting out the power and punch bows against it.
The wither skeleton is a black skeleton that wields a stone sword and spawns in the nether (hell biome) it is 3 high and can give you the wither effect when it hits you. The wither effect turns your hearts black and decreases your health and adds it to the wither skeleton. I recommend using a regen potion you worked so hard to get. The wither skeleton drops coal, charcoal bones and the rare and relevant wither skeleton head...
The wither skeleton head is used to summon the new boss mob, the wither. You can spawn it like an iron golen except with soul sand instead of iron blocks and 3 wither skeleton heads on top. You dont want to spawn one as soon as you read this article though. The wither shoots "heads" towards you and can break through any block but bedrock, and this includes obsidian. It can also give you wither 2 and, along with its projectiles, can kill someone very easily. The wither has a (roughly) 50% chance to drop a nether star, which leads onto the next section...
One of The main new blocks is the beacon, crafted with a nether star, glass and obsidian. The beacon allows you to add permanent potion style buffs to yourself as long as your in range. You can increase the range and actuvate the becaon by building piramids out of diamond, iron, emerald or gold blocks and you must pay 1 emerald, diamond, iron ingot or gold ingot to activate the beacon. Altogether, it's probably the most difficult or at least the most "expensive" item in the game so far.
Another, cheaper, block added is the anvil. This block allows you to repair your items without loosing its enchantments, you can also combine tools with enchantments to get better enchantments. This comes at the cost of levels and the raw material its made of, ie a diamond pick would be repaired using diamonds. The anvil can be crafted with 3 iron blocks and 4 iron ingots
Misc features:
- zombies and skeletons can wear armour
- bug fixes
- slimes can spawn in swamp biomes
- item frames allow you to keep a visual reminder whats in chests
- xp farms using spawners are nerfed (not sure, jeb tweeted about it)
-steerable saddled pigs with carrots on a stick
- killed pigs drop a saddle if it was wearing one
- mob heads
- stairs now change to fit a corner shape
- cobble and mossy cobble fences
Thanks for reading this long article, i cant wait to play the full release of minecraft 1.4
Download the game:
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