
Apply to become staff now!

We are looking for new people to work on the site. There are many positions available including:

Content Producers such as people that can write articles every day or every other day and people to produce and edit videos for the YouTube channel.

We are also looking for people that are good at web design, and also if any gamers are interested in producing content for us, please contact Yoni.

Staff Members:

Yoni Cohen - Founder Editor In Chief

Yoni is the mastermind that created GeekSlam. He is a big fan of technology, modern gaming, audio products and really doesn't like his netbook. He also talks about himself in third person sometimes.

Matt J Pegler - Tech News Editor and Graphic Designer

Matt is a young app developer, who is hoping to be the youngest app developer in the world. He'll be posting frequent tech news posts once his first app has been developed, but in the meantime he will be producing his series where he will be playing around and upgrading his Dell Server Computer.

Ashley Isbitt - Computers & Software Editor

Ashley occasionally writes up posts for GeekSlam, but he spends the rest of his time making app reviews on YouTube, playing Minecraft, and watching the Mindcrack crew.

Twitter Page

abe Grace - Multimedia Editor

Gabe is a motion graphics enthusiast, tech and gaming fan, YouTuber and wears an awesome hat most of the time.

Andrew Titmuss - Content Creator

Andrew is an Apple fan, MacBook & iPod Touch owner and Australian. He's part of the Mac Pro Club.

Twitter Page

Email Address

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