Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Speedlink Spes - First Impressions

Hey everyone, so today I received my new Lapel Microphone in the mail. I know I've not been posting a lot on the blog this past few weeks, mainly because the YouTube Channel just got full partnership, and I've been busy sorting out the financials, a banner through a great designer, and just working on making better videos.

In a week or 2 when I've finished doing all that, I'll have some more posts going up on here. And yes, this one is yet another product unboxing, but once I've finished unboxing and reviewing everything that's been bought recently I'll get back to the usual stuff.

Anyway, the whole point of this post is that I've received my new lapel mic, unboxed it as well, and I'd like to share my first impressions of it with you.

As with most lapel mics you'll find online, they usually cost £3 or £4 on Amazon or eBay, and the price is usually a representation of how long the cable is. I decided to opt for one that was more expensive and sold by a well known company (Speedlink) so that I could rely on the product and not worry about anything.

This one has metal casing on the microphone capsules part itself, a metal clip which the microphone detaches from, and a 2.5 meter cable. So far, I think that the build quality of this mic is great for a lapel mic and the sound quality is even better than I'd expected too.

You can watch the unboxing video below, and stay tuned for my full review of this and many other reviews too.

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