Saturday 13 October 2012

Raspberry Pi - The Overview

Hey guys Matt here again.

Today I am going to be doing a overview of the Raspberry Pi Model B, I received mine yesterday. When it arrived I was surprised on the size of the package, about the size of a Samsung Galaxy Note. Surprisingly the case which I ordered along side it came in the package. Aswell as the case I ordered the 4GB SD card, pre-loaded with the Raspian OS (Linux Debian) installed.

After I plugged in everything, it came up with a black screen with plenty of white writing. None of which I took any notice of, until it asked me for my login. The standard  user is 'Pi' and the password is 'Raspberry'. After that you are on the terminal for the machine, typle 'startx' to open up Lightweight Desktop Environment, the standard GUI. From here you can launch all of your apps and play games.

My full review of the Raspberry Pi will be here on the blog alongside a video on the channel.


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