Let me first start off by saying that this isnt a bias, fanboyism post but my honest opinion on why Adobe's high end video editing software is better than its competitors in a few different points.
This article was first inspired by a mac user friend of mine. He edits on FCPX and premiere pro is my software of choice and whenever our conversations head in the direction of video and, more specifially, video editing, we both start having a debate as to weather Apples' final cut suite of Adobe's creative suite's video editor is better.
So, without furthur ado, why is adobe Premiere Pro CS6 better than either Final Cut Pro X or other competitors.
MULTI-PLATFORM SOFTWARE: Adobe's entire creative suite software is available on all windows versions from current (windows 8) back to XP and all mac versions from current (mountain lion) to snow leapord. This means that all modern machines are supported, even if the latest Operating System is too expencive to upgrade to. This also means that you can share editing files with friends or colleagues without needing to worry about their computers Operating System of choice.
SIMPLE AND CUSTOMIZABLE USER INTERFACE: In Premiere Pro, you can move about preety much evvery aspect of the user interface to suit your editing style without having to adapt too much if you have just switched to premiere or you just dont like the default layout. You can even save different layouts to make different aspects of editing easier without having to move everything every time you want to edit a different aspect of your video.
DYNAMIC LINK: we all preety much know that after effects and photoshop are industry standards, but have you ever made a intro in AE then realised there is a mistake in it when you are editing in premiere? Well using dynamoc link you can send the clip to after effects, correct the fault and send the clip back to Premiere Pro without even needing to render the clip out.
THOUSANDS OF EFFECTS YOU CAN APPLY TO A CLIP: literally, thousands of effects split into 4 categories; video effects, video transitions, audio transitions, audio effects. These effects can do anything, from increase the gamma to make a clip like a poster!
So this is my roundup of features that i think make adobe Premiere Pro a good video editor. I use it preety much daily and at first i thought of it as confusong but after a while i learnt it
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