Friday 15 June 2012

Reducing Videos and Update

Quick Update:

Please disregard this if you don't follow our videos on YouTube.

Hi guys, Yoni here

Just to let you know why the blog has seen less activity in comparison to the YouTube. I (Yoni) am currently the only person working on the blog, until Noah finishes his exams soon.
I'll be reducing the amount of videos on the YouTube, for the main reasons that

A. I feel like I'm uploading too much and that's why the views are dropping 

B. I want to edit the videos a LOT more so that means voiceovers, overlays, product close-ups ETC, so that way I produce better videos. As for the others, I've got plans. Such as zooms and pans in screencasts.

I'll put the livestreaming page back up, but only if I can get a few people coming to the streams. They're a lot of fun and I really enjoy doing them. Let me know if you enjoy them, what timezone you're in and if i get a few people from a similar timezone then I could do streams according to timezones to suit people.

Also, I need to mention that I (Yoni) have exam week from the week beginning 25th June, and then go on holiday between the 4th and 19th July, so not much content over the next month, so my apologies. Don't worry though, I'll make sure that the site and youtube will be updated a bit over the next month.

That's all,


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