Monday 7 January 2013

Ashley's Thoughts On The Redstone Update

Redstone. Every gamer has heard of it. Probably one of the biggest mechanics in minecraft. But in the upcoming 1.5 update, titled the redstone update by mojang, has got the redstone community worried. In this article im going to explain my thoughts on the updates that are coming to redstone and if i think that they will be a good idea.

So first of all, probably the elephant in the room here is the BUD switch. The BUD is a bug that is considered by many a feature and it detects when a block near the BUD is updated, and it gives a pulse. This is primarily a glitch in the game that was discovered by etho (ethoslab) and will almost definatly be removed in this update. The BUD has been in the game for a long time and is used in a lot of circuits. I believe that this should either be kept in the game or implemented properly into the game with a new block or special type of piston.

The very laws that govern redstone are going to be changed, making it easier for new users to "learn redstone." I think that this could break every circuit out there and some worlds might even get corrupted in the new update! The redstone rules have never changed and shouldnt because lots of people have worked to learn it and will have to relearn it, even though some features (RS nor latch) are hard (RS nor latch) to understand (RS nor latch), but im not complaining, lol.

So those are my thoughts on why the redstone update might not exactly be an update for some people, and why learning redstone right now might not be the wisest decision

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