Saturday 18 August 2012

Super awesome news post

Here's the important news that anyone that reads the blog and/or plans to read it in the future will enjoy :D

We now (sort of) have registered domains, only .TK ones but still better than the horribly offputting .blogspot domain.

1. Almost all the work on GeekSlam Gaming is done and we'll be able to launch the page very soon!
If anyone knows of any companies that sell PC gaming peripherals that could send us something to review, please do let us know and you will be rewarded :D

2. We have a nice little giveaway planned for when we hit 80 subscribers and you will be able to enter via Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

3. We have some graphic designs being worked on which will go live soon, it will make the site and channel look so much nicer.

4. There will be some more people producing content (articles, videos etc) for us in the next few weeks!

5. We can confirm that we will have at least 3 big reviews going up in the next month or so, as well as a ton of news, tutorials and gaming coverage.

Hopefully that little post was worth your minute, we are still looking for people to help us out so please do check out the post about it here:

There's some massive benefits in joining us so please consider it.

Thanks for reading!

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