Wednesday 2 May 2012

Why Apple Is Better

Why you should buy Apple products and why you pay more.

So a lot of people know that I'm very learned and knowledgeable about Apple, and I probably know more about Apple than my religion. This knowledge leads to tons of people asking for my advice about whether or not they should get a Mac or PC, should they get an iPhone or Blackberry, what iPod should they get, and quite frankly the list goes on. And on. And on.

The thing is, I always tell them to get the Apple device over anything else. Is it because I am biased? Partly, since I have been using Apple products since forever. I remember using early versions of OS X, and always seeing the excitement on my dad's face when he got a new version of it. Also the look of distress on my mum's face when he wouldn't shut up about it.

Another few reasons why I always recommend them, is because of quality, packaging, customer care, software and certainly a few more which I shall cover.

Quality - Apple's products have almost always been made of the highest quality materials whether it be Plastic, Aluminium or even Polyurethane, they make sure it's the best.

Packaging - so on YouTube, myself and thousands of other people do tech Unboxings. Basically it's someone filming the self opening a new product out of the box on camera.
If you compare a MacBook unboxing to a Dell Inspiron unboxing, you can tell instantly that Apples packaging is better.
I am comparing a Dell Inspiron to a 2011 MacBook Pro Unboxing.

So the dell comes in a big cardboard box covered in Sellotape, and the consumer struggles to get it open.

He pulls and struggles and even needs another person to help get it open.

Whereas on the MacBook pro unboxing, there is one person only opening it.

In the dell unboxing the big box has 2 other boxes, 1 with tons of CD's and drivers in it, the other with the actual dell covered in cheap plastic wrap.

Once again, it takes 2 people JUST to unwrap the dell.

On the MBP unboxing, the first thing you see is the MBP with a foam cushion on top to protect it, and the MBP covered in easy to remove plastic wrap.

All that's underneath is the charger, and some instructions. No CD's, drivers ETC. all is preinstalled, and the unboxing is much quicker than the dell's.

The 2 laptops are at similar price range and the MBP actually looks and performs better.

So my point about packaging has been proven.

Customer care - Let me tell you a story about how Apple's Customer Care OS far superior to any other company's. This is taken from a video on YouTube called "MacBroke? Kinda. 480p FTW", you can search it and watch it to get the idea.
So a young man named Quinn Nelson of had a broken MacBook pro, there was a hard drive failure about a week after he bought it. So he took the MacBook, with no receipt, box or charger to the Apple store where he bought it, and within 5 minutes an Apple employee was with him. He told the employee what had happened, and after a bit of waiting the employee brought him a brand new version of the one he had, completely new in the box. With no questions asked.
That is an example of the great customer care that Apple provides. I also forgot to mention that he got to keep the $70 MagSafe Charger for free.

Software - Apple has 2 main softwares. Mac and iOS. Mac has been going since the first Apple Mac computer in the 80's, and iOS has sort of been going since 2007. iOS runs on iPhones, iPod Touches and iPads and the first official release of "iOS" was version 4 I believe. It was originally called "iPhone OS" even though it was running on iPod touches. iOS is the most used mobile OS worldwide, and Mac is the top computer OS worldwide. Lots of people have PC's, crazy, brainless people, but still more use Mac.

Retail - with over 300 Retail stores worldwide, Apple certainly doesn't fall behind with it's retail stores. Above the entrance on every one, is a glowing white apple logo. They are all similarly set out, and all have a sales desk, areas for Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod, accessories for all their products, a Genius Bar and also a training centre where they have their free one-to-one training sessions. There is one or more Apple stores in almost every major city in the world. I have the luxury of being able to go to the many Apple stores in London, including their largest and best store in Covent Garden, only half an hour away from me on the tube.

Accessories - along with Apple's many products there are millions and maybe edging on billions more accessories to go with. I can't begin to tell you the categories of these many many accessories. For every Apple product there is many accessories to go with. For a few select Samsung products, there's probably a couple of cheap and crappy silicone cases and maybe even some screen protectors. You get the point. If I wanted to try and find an accessory for my iPad, I could spend hours on end searching through millions of websites of iPad cases, chargers, docks, screen protectors, stands, adapters and way way more. Just goes to show that accessory making companies create their products for Apple's products, because they are the most widely used and they also have the best design and portability in mind. Apple chooses design and functionality over protection, and to be quite honest Apple's own cases aren't very good. This is another reason why case manufacturers make their products for apple's, because they know their stuff will sell.

So as I finish this post, I'd like to thank you for reading it as it took a few days to write as well as lots of research and proof reading.

I'm Yoni from GeekSlam, and that concludes my post about why Apple products are more expensive and why you should get them instead of competitors products.

I've added some pictures of a few of my favourite Apple products, there's a lot more but there's a limit to how many pictures you can put on here. And I also apologise for them going wider than the post.

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