Sunday 29 April 2012

Jailbreaking your Mac?


Jailbreaking has been around since the first gen iPhone. If you don't know what it is, read my article on it here. It's been growing and growing in terms of users and also devices, iPods, iPads and mainly iPhones being jailbroken. But that's pretty much it. It's only been available on mobile devices for the past 5 years. Cult Of Mac and iJailbreak have written articles about a new "HackStore", which will be like Cydia for Mac. The limitations on iOS are way stricter than on Mac, but jailbreak developer Andrey Fedotov who has been developing this for months, insists that it will be very useful and will reach a similar popularity level as Cydia has.Do you think it will be successful? Will you jailbreak your mac? Leave a comment below stating your opinions.

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